
  • Unità di mammografia medica d'alta frequenza macchina di radiologia digitale

    HC-D008B mainly uses the penetration of X-ray, tecnulugia fotoelettrica integrata, urdinatore, trasfurmazioni di signali digitale è altre tecnulugia à distingue, estrazione è discriminate l'infurmazioni di l'imaghjini attraversu a visione è a ricunniscenza di mudelli, è infine rializeghja u prucessu di corpu straneru.

  • Dinamometru / Calibre di forza digitale

    HC-C024 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Monitor di sonnu di respirazione in boni cundizioni

    HC-C023 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Monitor di defibrillatore di alta qualità

    HC-C020 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Monitor di defibrillatore in boni cundizioni

    HC-C019 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • A megliu vendita Doppler fetale

    HC-C016B is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • High quality fetal Doppler

    HC-C016 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Spot-check Monitor in good condition

    HC-C014 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.


  • Personal stress management device

    HC-C013 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Handheld Pulse Oximeter in good condition

    HC-C010 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

Chat cù Sally
digià 1902 missaghji

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Oghje
    Bonghjornu, caru signore/madame, benvenutu à u nostru situ web! Sò Sally,cumu ti duverebbe dirigisce?